Managing Innovation at AWO Mittelrhein

Our aim is to shape the future of AWO Mittelrhein - together with all its people!

Together we want to get to work! Regardless of whether individual employees, divisions, departments, institutions or an entire company are concerned, shaping the future takes place in all areas, at all levels, and needs joined forces. Consequently, everybody is welcome to contribute and we are at disposal to anyone at AWO Mittelrhein to advise and support them in the development and implementation of ideas as well as in overcoming challenges!

No matter what the area of need - work processes, staff recruitment, organisational culture, technology, sustainability or something else entirely - let‘s think ahead and advance the AWO Mittelrhein. Together!

Our offer includes:

Die AWO Mittelrhein fördert, begleitet und unterstützt Menschen jeder Generation, Nationalität, Religion und jeden Geschlechts. Sie ist demokratisch und föderativ aufgebaut. Sie verbindet freiwilliges Engagement mit professionellen Dienstleistungen.
  • Idea Coaching

    We help with ideas - whether they are already there or still need to be developed. These can be either large or small and there are many examples already: the recycling of office materials, the purchase and use of VR glasses for a service or a group-wide campaign to recruit staff - we welcome all ideas and are happy to help assess, develop and overcome the challenges invoked. We can also assist with the implementation of ideas in projects.

  • Workshops

    We help to design workshops. Depending on what is at hand, we can support in different ways. We offer:

    – Methodological and planning advice

    – Methodological and planning advice

    – Depending on the content, also organising and giving workshops

  • Stragegic planning

    To enable development, it is often helpful to define goals and strategies. We support the entire strategy process, from posing the question to systematic development to defining goals and strategies. Regardless of whether a team needs to be reorganised or an entire department wants to reinvent itself - we help to find a goal-oriented path! Depending on the requirements, the support can look very different - process support, on-point methods for event formats and much more.

  • Project coaching

    We also help with projects (especially those that arise from idea coaching!). The extent and type of coaching always depends on the project - but in principle we can provide methodological and planning support as well as content-related support, e.g. through impulses, classification or networking. Of course, there is also the possibility that we provide advice and support regarding individual events within the framework of the project, e.g. kick-off workshops.

  • Networking & Exchange

    In order to advance ideas and new things, a broad exchange and a good network are often an important asset. Networking and exchange can help finding answers and solutions, at all, together. Besides frequenting various networks ourselves and extending our network, we are therefore happy to provide support in finding networks/partners or tips on event formats. Examples include finding like-minded people for a project that would otherwise be impossible, networking digitisation projects or a cross-divisional exchange.

What now? Get in touch!

By phone or e-mail - anytime!

Your contacts:

Arina Mudrik | Tel.: +49 152 24 77 13 24

Anna Hanft | Tel.: +49 152 06 58 62 95


We are looking forward to sparring your ideas!