These figures speak for themselves - a quick overview of AWO Mittelrhein

All facts and figures - all the power of the district association, the AWO Mittelrhein* and the AWO am Mittelrhein** at a glance

  • AWO Mittelrhein

    Volunteers approx. 4,456

    Full-time employees approx. 2,800

    Employees* in nursing homes approx. 2,200

    Total facilities/services 24

    Residences for senior citizens 8

    Flats for senior citizens 319

    Senior citizens' community apartments 18

    Facilities for people with disabilities 20

    Social centres/outpatient services1

    Volunteers BFD/FSJ approx. 240

    Corporate members 8

  • AWO am Mittelrhein

    District Association 7

    Regional Association 1

    Local clubs approx. 184

    Members approx. 21,700

    Volunteers approx. 4,500

    Full-time employees approx. 8,100

    Employees* in daycare centres approx. 2,500

    Facilities/services, total ca. 600

    Daycare 220

    Number of children ca. ​​​​​​​12.500

    All-day schools 97

    Number of pupils ca. ​​​​​​​10.600

    Migration and Integration Services 19

    District Youth Works 2

    Corporate members 78

*AWO Mittelrhein = Bezirksverband Mittelrhein e. V. and its subsidiaries.

*AWO am Mittelrhein = Bezirksverband Mittelrhein e. V. and its subsidiaries as well as the district associations and the regional association.