Getting help without feeling helpless - our senior centres

You would like to move to a senior citizens' centre? We offer care concepts, professionalism and humanity.

They say: You shouldn't replant an old tree. We say you have to know how to do it, and it will blossom again. For us, therefore, full inpatient care for the elderly means not only that we offer the residents high-quality nursing and care concepts and a wide range of joint activities, but also that we create a living space for them that enables them to grow older actively and independently.

For the AWO GESA GmbH, it is a matter of the heart to offer senior citizens an environment in which they not only feel comfortable, but in which their individual needs are met - because everyone deserves that.

If you need a contact person and are looking for an overview of our facilities, take a look at this website:

GesA Website

Are you looking for other AWO senior citizens' centres in our district?