Here no questions remain unanswered - the nursing care consultation of the AWO

You care for a relative at home? We have the experts who can help you quickly and easily.

Many questions arise when you care for a relative at home. At the AWO care consultation, you can find out what you are entitled to from the nursing care insurance fund in the event of a need for care and how the care can be organised. If you are unsure about this and would like to obtain information, we offer you various possibilities for direct exchange.

On the homepage of the AWO Bundesverband zur Online-Pflege- und -Seniorenberatung you have the possibility to contact AWO-Expert directly:

AWO nursing care consulting website

  • by E-Mail

  • via Chat

  • telephone

The website also contains numerous information leaflets and care guides on the benefits of long-term care insurance, how to apply for it and on measures to improve the living environment.

If you are looking for specific support in the field of nursing care, please contact the nursing services and facilities of our district associations and the regional association.

You can find them via the AWO-facilities database:

AWO-facilities database

or via our subsidiary, the AWO Gesellschaft für Altenhilfeeinrichtungen mbH.

GesA Website