AWO Codex of Governance

The AWO Codex of Governance sets out all binding guidelines for responsible management and supervision of the AWO's clubs, associations and companies. The AWO Bezirksverband Mittelrhein, its subsidiaries and district associations have been strictly applying this codex since November 2017.

The AWO Codex of Governance demands:

  • clear organizational structures

  • clear delimitation

  • clear competences and responsibilities of the bodies and organs

  • binding communication structures and reporting obligations between the bodies and organs

  • responsible exercise of the supervisory function

  • early warning systems regarding risks

Die AWO Mittelrhein fördert, begleitet und unterstützt Menschen jeder Generation, Nationalität, Religion und jeden Geschlechts. Sie ist demokratisch und föderativ aufgebaut. Sie verbindet freiwilliges Engagement mit professionellen Dienstleistungen.

The codex is binding for all AWO branches, subsidiaries and companies with full-time staff and ensures that supervision and management are clearly separated, sothat supervisory bodies and management can make decisions without conflicts of interest - exclusively in the interest and for the benefit of the AWO and on the basis of its values. The guidelines also set out requirements for the appointment, employment and remuneration of management.

Once a year, the AWO Bundesverband and an independent auditing company check compliance with the governance codex and the fulfilment of the subdivisions' declaration obligations.

To this point no breach of the codex has been become known.

AWO Codex of Governance 2020 (german)