If you support each other, you can achieve more - corporate membership

Corporate membership is a great opportunity - for both sides. This is why the AWO is also very interested in cooperating with various stakeholders.

Especially in the social area it has many advantages if you can benefit from each other. For example, corporate members can seek advice from the AWO and are represented by it in their interests and goals. In addition, corporate members have the opportunity to submit applications for financial support to various institutions.

AWO Bezirksverband Mittelrhein — Gegenseitige Unterstützung für Korporative Mitglieder.

All corporate bodies and foundations whose tasks largely coincide with the tasks of the AWO can join the AWO as a corporate member. The prerequisite is that the work is determined by the idea of tolerance and basically benefits everyone who needs it - without relevance to political, ethnic, national or denominational affiliation.

Die AWO Mittelrhein fördert, begleitet und unterstützt Menschen jeder Generation, Nationalität, Religion und jeden Geschlechts. Sie ist demokratisch und föderativ aufgebaut. Sie verbindet freiwilliges Engagement mit professionellen Dienstleistungen.

The rights and obligations of corporate members are described in the corporate agreement.
Are you interested in becoming a corporate member?

We would be pleased to advise you.

  • Hans-Joachim Krain

    Hans-Joachim Krain
    Spokesperson of Central and Member Association

    Phone: 0221 57998-186