Arab El - our offer for Arabic speaking parents in Cologne
Arab El is the offer of our migration service for Arabic-speaking parents in Cologne. It helps them to help their children better.
Many families from Arabic speaking countries are burdened by war, flight and several years of family separation. For the children of these people not only reliable educational opportunities are essential, but also well-informed caregivers who can help them on their way. However, this is not so simple.Often the Arabic speaking parents or guardians themselves need help to cope with this new situation.
This is precisely the starting point of the project which the integration agency of AWO Mittelrhein e. V. started in Cologne in spring 2017 as part of the NRW state programme KOMM AN.
The AWO project " Supporting Arabic-speaking parents" (Arab El for short) enables more information exchange and networking - through open info-cafés, workshops, a Facebook page for Arabic-speaking interested parties and the preparation of existing Arabic-language resources on the subject of education.
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